About Us

ALM Represents Third Party Capital Investors at Lloyd’s

Private investors, known as Names, are an important source of capital for the Lloyd’s market. Members agents – the businesses that manage Names’ affairs at Lloyd’s – inform us that Names provided £2.9 billion of capacity to Lloyd’s syndicates – the units that choose and accept risks for their various backers – to underwrite in the Lloyd’s market in 2020. The majority of this capital comes from individuals, a minority of whom continue to trade with unlimited liability, although most now underwrite through their own corporate entities, specially set up for such purpose, and thus have limited liability.

The majority of long-standing Names belong to the Association of Lloyd’s Members (ALM). The ALM’s mission is to represent and advance Names’ interests, whether they participate on an unlimited or a limited liability basis, either alone or in group vehicles. The ALM’s publications provide the most thorough, detailed, and objective financial analysis of the Lloyd’s market, its syndicates, members agents, and managing agencies (which handle underwriting in ‘The Room’ at Lloyd’s), from the perspective of Names. Although the ALM represents Names, we do offer Associate Membership to companies who are interested in our publications. Please see Join the ALM for full details.

ALM Ltd About Us

Our Record

For 40 years, the ALM has robustly and effectively promoted the rights and interests of Names, so that we can continue to contribute to Lloyd’s success, and to share in its fortunes. But Lloyd’s is ever-changing, which presents new challenges and opportunities. It is vital that Names pull together, in the same direction, to ensure that we continue to retain our profitable place in the vibrant, evolving Lloyd’s market.

We are therefore delighted that every members agent supports the work of the ALM. Our track record proves that Lloyd’s and other important bodies such as Her Majesty’s Treasury listen to the ALM, and act on our representations made on behalf of ALM Members. All Names benefit from this. If you are not a member, we urge you to Join the ALM today.

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